I echo mixedmedia on her comments, biznatch... thank you for your addition. I think your narrative was far more eloquent and expressive than what most people have written here, including myself. I hope other people stop by and read what you have to say.
I get so up in arms about immigration because I don't understand why critics ignore or minimize stories like yours. Immigrants' stories, experiences, and opinions (illegal ones, even moreso) are just as valuable as anyone else's... but I think people whose identities are threatened choose to ignore those stories, because they humanize immigrants and make them
And once immigrants become human... well, it becomes very difficult to see them as a threat, and to come up with policies against them. Because then one's identity has to change, and become based on a greater idea of humanity, not on a limited idea of nationality, race, and/or class. And a lot of immigration critics don't want to change that way.
Still, I am always so glad to hear stories like yours, and again, I hope many people here on TFP will take in what you have to say.