Rename the iPhone
An Open Letter to Steve Jobs:
Steve. Buddy. What are you thinking?
Sure your new phone is cool, but why get in a pissing contest with Cisco over the name? You knew they had something called iPhone and yet you went ahead with the name anyway. Now you are going to dump approximately eleventy bazillion dollars on lawyers. Why? Just so you can (maybe) keep the cool name?
This is senseless. The phone will be just as cool, regarless of what you call it.
Not to worry, Steve. I have a plan. I’ll come up with a new, cooler name for your phone. I’ll generate tons of free advertising. And I’ll get even MORE people interested in your *ahem* soon to be the phone formerly know as “iPhone” phone. All I ask in return is 1/10th of what you were going to spend on lawyers.
Waltz right up in front of Apple headquarters in your finest black turtleneck and announce a contest. “NAME APPLE’S NEW PHONE”
Whoever submits the best name for the new phone gets a free phone, and their picture in an ad announcing the new name. Halfway through the contest, you post your favorite 500 names. Be sure to include some really rude, bad and subversive ones. Generate buzz. Then cull it down to 50 you like and enable voting. More buzz.
I guarantee somebody will come up with an absolutely kickass name. When you have a million geeks put their minds together, they are going to come up with something good.
My suggestion – the iMockCisco. Or maybe the PHiNE. OK, I'm sure someone will come up with something better.
Now isn’t that better than burning through cash in a senseless legal battle over nomenclature? I look forward to receiving my payment for services.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.
Last edited by clavus; 01-16-2007 at 09:57 PM..