Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
if you have a spare computer (PI or PII) with 2 NIC's you can build a monowall router.
I actually went from having a "monowall" (I've never heard this term before) to this Linksys router. My PII 200MHz
OpenBSD box was a fine router but I just got a laptop and wanted a wireless network to go with it. I could have just gotten a wireless adaptor for the PII but I was hoping to get something smaller, quieter, and more energy efficient since I don't use it for anything other than routing. As an added bonus, the Linksys supports
UPnP, which is handy.
Well, I decided that the hardware was, in all likelyhood, no different between the two countries (they seldomly are) and updated the firmware. I even downloaded two torrent files to stress the network. So far so good. I'll wait a couple of weeks to see if there are any problems and, if there are not, switch from my phone company to
Vonage. It's sort of my New Year's resolution...