Originally Posted by dc_dux
Why would anyone willingly want to allow other citizens to call themselves a militia and stockpile illegal weapons?
Because it's supposed to be nobody elses damn business what weapons a private person, or group of people, have.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
In the case of US v Fincher, a federal jury of Hollis Wayne Fincher's peers found him guilty last week of owning illegal machine guns and a sawed-off shotgun.
According to police, Fincher had two .308-caliber machine guns, homemade versions of the Browning model 1919. The other firearms were 9 mm STEN design submachine guns and a sawed-off shotgun - not registered as required by federal law.
Fincher is a member of the Militia of Washington County, a private militia established in 1994 to “to defend the liberty of the citizens of the state of Arkansas, and these United States, through education, participation, and action.” Fincher maintains possession of the guns, which he does not deny, was "reasonably related to a well regulated militia," based on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
However, Fincher was not even allowed to present a defense arguing the validity of said laws, not allowed to claim unconstitutionality, only allowed to argue the fact of whether the guns were illegally owned by him or not. A complete usurpation of his constitutional rights by a federal bench.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Through the jury's wisdom,
ignorance is a more appropriate word.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
the citizens of Arkansas are safer with having these self-proclamined militias (ie vigiliantees) reigned in through the appropropriate application of the 2nd Amendment.
The citizens are less safe now because they will have to wait 4-7 days for any national guard presence to make themselves available in the event of an emergency, instead of having a concerned group of their own, who have never committed a violent act or threatened anyone with their privately owned weapons, available at a moments notice.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Good thing, or every street gang in the country would be calling themselves "the Militia of (insert city name here).
and the second they did something unlawful and violent, they could be arrested or exterminated. For 70 years you gun grabbers exclaimed that it had to be a 'well-regulated' militia, now you were shown one and still won't accept that people CAN be trusted with automatic weapons and would rather make yourselves slaves to the government. Pathetic
Originally Posted by fhqwhgads
I swore that I'd stay out of this thread, but you picture actually made me laugh.
Can I change the caption to "Quick, pull a gun... he might not be a cop!"?
If someone is that close to you, with an automatic rifle trained at your face, and you try to grab for a gun, YOU WILL GET SHOT... regardless if the guy is a cop or a criminal.
Unlike most cowards, I'd rather be shot (at) fighting back then whining pitifully for my life, or my families lives, to be spared by someone who's most likely going to kill them anyway. and how would a criminal have an automatic weapon? aren't they 'prohibited'???