I excersise a lot; I walk to work everyday which is 45 minutes each way.
I try to avoid excess cholesterol, fat, and salt in my foods. So I don't think it's bad circulation, maybe it's a circulatory problem to my head though(unlikely).
My family has a host of blood pressure related problems, most dealing with high blood pressure. So I will look into that and mention it to a Dr.
Yes I do get headaches sometimes, in fact they started (and were severely painful) when I was 13 too (they have since waned in their painfulness). However they don't necessarily correlate with these blackouts...
I will contact a dr. this week, and see what he has to say. Stay tuned.
I came across a nice rack at the department store
Last edited by Painted; 01-15-2007 at 09:47 AM..