I haven't found a robust off-the-shelf consumer-grade router for quite a while. I mean they work for basic web & email traffic, but heavy use takes out most of them within a day. Even a little office with a few workers can take them out a couple times a week. The worst is when someone starts up a torrent machine that runs away with buffer space from all the half-open connections. The pre-VX Linksys models worked pretty well but since V4, with the RAM cut in half, there isn't much to play with.
You might want to try
openwrt or one of the cousin projects. The code is available, has a far better feature-set, and bugs get fixed. I haven't used openwrt on anything newer than a V4 (or V5 GS) but they do suggest it works.
If nothing else, the hardware identification areas of these open projects will provide some clue as to whether your Canadian model is "different." The project members are widely dispersed so have exposure to lots of hardware. Check out the
alternate list of compatible products.