Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Well, if your router behaves similarly to mine then I wouldn't exactly call that a weird thing. After all, you'd expect these things to behave the same regardless of ownership, right?
I'm sorry, I probably should have specified that it was a WRT54G v6 router. It has the latest firmware so there'd be no point in flashing it...
...Although, now that you mention it, I went to the website to take a second look. I made the mistake of following the instructions on the website and looked up the current firmware for the product in my country. As it turns out, if you look at the American site, there is a more recent firmware version. So, do I use that or is my router somehow made specifically for my country?
To be honest, I have no reason to believe that a firmware for a US product and a Canadian product would be any different, but I probably would not do it unless Linksys recommends it, you wouldn't wanna brick the router, but with the problems you are having it might be an easy way to get a new one