One of the snacks that I enjoy most to fill me up is a lightly salted rice-cake smeared with all-natural crunchy peanut butter (no sugar or oil added) and topped with a sliced banana or strawberry or preserves with no sugar added or just honey, depending on your preference. As long as you portion control the peanut butter, it all balances out. I [I]can't[I] physically eat much after one of those. As for dips, I, too, recommend hummus, baba ganoosh, fat-free sour cream with any of the dried dressing mixes (watch out for MSG in Hidden Valley Ranch!). I'll break the same lightly-salted rice cakes into pieces and dip them in or make my own pita chips with Multi-grain Pitas in the broiler.
Also try:
~edamame beans (straight from the freezer or steamed)
~whole grain cereals from the organic section at the grocery store. One of the ones I like has 15g of protein and 12 g of fiber per serving. I lost 6 lbs in 10 days eating one serving for breakfast because I couldn't fit anything else in my stomach for hours

~fat-free yogurt. Use small amounts on cereal instead of milk, add almonds or fruits, whatever.
~put natural peanuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, whatever you like into a trail mix type assortment and store it in portion-controlled containers. Stash the containers in different areas of the cupoard so you don't grab for two.
That's a lot of how I did it. I lost 95lbs between those things and the gym. Oh, and I drank close to a gallon of water a day. Whenever I felt hungry, I'd drink a glass of water. If I was still hungry 5 to 10 minutes later, I'd have a snack. In the beginning, I think I drank well over a gallon because I always "felt" hungry even though I wasn't. I was bored.