I would like to hear in testimony from the artists, the RIAA, the MPAA how they believe cable and satellilte radio companies can use "reasonably available and economically reasonable technology" without severely impacting (not just inconviencing) fair use for personal enjoyment.
There are "special interests" on both sides trying to effect any legislation- the music and movie recording industries (RIAA, MPAA) on one side and the cable, satellite radio, and internet broadcast companies on the other side. Both are movitated by profit and not necessarily the consumers or artists best interests.
In light of the growing piracy made even easier with new technologies, should there be an effort to protect both your fair use of copyrighted material and the artists right to the full value of the works they produce for their liveihood?
This bill may not be the best answer, but I would like to hear more, or an altenative, beforing dismissing it completely as just another special interest bill.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 01-14-2007 at 08:10 AM..