I quit cold turkey 8 years ago. Didn't use anything, just put 'em down. What you have to be careful of, more than anything, is habitual associations. Pour a glass of wine... light a cigarette. Pour a cup of coffee, light a cigarette.
What you might want to do is stop the associated activities for a month or so.
The other thing to be careful of is your weight. I had a hell of a time. If you don't exercise, start now, and keep it up, it'll make you less likely to smoke.
I was fine, then after about 30 days got very tense and irritable for about a week. Then it went away. It's hard to do this, but if I can anyone can, just don't light up no matter what you do.
I have no desire for a cigarette and actually abhor the smell. As for the weed, don't smoke it. Mix it with peanut butter, spread it on ritz crackers, and nuke it. Yum! Be careful though, the peanut oil makes a great delivery agent for the thc, so use about half what you'd put in a joint.
Not that I'd know... strictly theoretical, you understand...