Apple is being so stupid by making an exclusive contract with Cingular. What a boneheaded move. It's a neat gadget, but why wouldn't Apple make it more available than just one-and not the most popular-wireless carrier?
I was very disappointed to hear that people can't code widgets etc. for the iPhone as well. After all the development of widgets for OSX, it would be a really neat thing to be able to do on a mobile device like this. I think the design is really beautiful and the device has tons of potential. I think, however, I'll be waiting for the second generation for them to make it more available and work the kinks out.
That all being said, Apple as a company really makes me want to puke. They've got such an ego about how incredible they are, and it's really getting old. No one can contest the popularity or success of the iPod (I certainly love mine) or the benefits of their OS, but the recent PC v. Mac commercials and just going ahead and announcing the device without getting things squared away with Cisco really reiterates a corporate philosophy that makes me gag and wish they weren't putting out products that I want. MS is the devil, but they don't make any bones about being the devil. Mac's hardly got clean hands, but they want you to believe they're a hip, progressive company working hard against the man. Leaves a foul taste in my mouth.