There's a lot of discussion about how the immigrants of today are different from the immigrants of Ellis Island, but it's not brought up enough how the country might be different now than it was back then.
I've been of the belief that the influx of immigrants in the 19th/early 20th centuries occurred during a time period when the US could handle such a huge influx. We needed those immigrants' tax dollars, and labor, and ingenuity, etc, and the US had the ability to support their arrival.
And that's the key difference now: the US no longer has the ability to support every immigrant around the globe that wants to move here. Our infrastructure could not handle it. Our healthcare system, our education system, our welfare system, our traffic infrastructure, you name it, they're stretched thin as it is. As a result, it only makes sense that we rigidly control that influx. And when that control is implemented, people immediately cry foul and bring up how that's not how Ellis Island and our history worked. They think we're being elitist, or racist, or nationalistic. But we're just a country in a different situation now. And that requires us to adapt and use different methods.
So yes, I love and take pride in the fact that people want to move here, and I will welcome them with open arms into this fantastic country. I don't think these immigrants are really any different from the immigrants of previous generations. They're doing what they need to do to keep their families alive and happy. More power to them. But, logistically, our doors can't be as open as they once were. And I think people misinterpret why we turn immigrants away... which leads us to some of the conflict we're dealing with here...
Also, unfortunately, I think it's the case that people of this country themselves misinterpret why we have to turn immigrants away. They use those policies as an excuse to be elitist/racist/nationalistic, which stokes the fire even further. I find it an interesting Catch-22.
Greetings and salutations.
Last edited by Moskie; 01-12-2007 at 09:08 AM..