Originally Posted by Carno
In terms of vacation though, I would much rather not visit any tourist areas or even see another American. I prefer to try to understand the people that I am visiting. How can I learn about other cultures if I go to another country and only eat McDonald's and stay in the tourist section of town?
After having spent 2 1/2 weeks surrounded by Russians and then Chinese and speaking English, a trip to the McDonald's across from Tianamen Square was one of the most pleasurable experiences of my big trip in 2000. It was great to not have to think so hard, to be honest. After having eaten some interesting things in some interesting places (horse sausage, anyone?), a Big Mac hit the spot. It was a one-off experience, though.
As for people who go abroad and only eat at American-themed restaurants, I think they're the same folks that come to Chicago and eat at Red Lobster.
Tyrell, you hit the nail on the head - it's just easier for an immigrant to live near people that can sell them food that they know how to cook, can pass along useful information in a language they easily understand and celebrates the same holidays. Criticizing all immigrant groups for a basic human trait is unfair since everyone seeks out the best life for themselves and their families (yes, I know I'm using absolute language there). It's a truism of all people and the world in general.