I have to agree with a couple of points in the letter. First, saying that 'this country was built by immigrants'-yes and I agree that using those that came here over 100 years ago should not be compared to those coming today.
They did assimilate, they made it a point to become American.
I see nothing wrong with national pride in terms of one's background; what I see and don't like is the self-segregation that many immigrant groups go about doing now. They set up their own stores, their own enclaves, even their own banks, then cry discrimination if something of theirs isn't 'included' in either the political or business arenas. But by being productive and active makes one 'included'-not the mere virtue of their existence. And if you only wish to make the American dollars but segregate yourself from the rest of the community in which you reside, then you can't cry foul if you don't like how things are going.
I don't like having to make phone calls that then instruct, 'para espanol, marque dos' or not being able to apply for a job because I don't speak Spanish, Portugese or Hindi. And I especially don't like the double-play that some give, pretending not to understand what you're saying until you say something that either sparks their interest or makes them mad. You used to have to know English to take a driver's test; now it's given in seven different languages here, so government is cowtowing. My husband works for and with Hungarians who claim to be American citizens but some of them can't put two words together-how'd they take the citizenship test?
We're so afraid of offending a few, that we end up offending many more-that's the gist of that letter and while it may have an angry tone, it's not without some merit. And I know of some immigrants that came here legally, that are working hard and trying to be good Americans and are really pissed off at the asskissing politicians(and Toy-R-Us) have been doing to those here not legally, so this is not just a lily-white attitude.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.