Originally Posted by aceventura3
Thanks for the compliment. 
That's the thing, right there. I couldn't help but notice, today, that the poll numbers indicate strongly that the "surge" has the same percentage of support as Bush's current approval rating. Guess what:
it's the same people!
My theory is, either you're in the 27-30% of American who think that because you're an Ammurkin, you owe fealty to your Pres'dent, who's out being macho and fighting the terrists, or you know that patriotism calls for something more than blind obedience, and you give the president and his policies the skepticism that is their due.
Re the OP: I decline to participate in the delusion that the nation of my citizenship requires my support of the current holder of "the office of President". I have plenty of respect for the office--enough that I want this bumbling jingoistic frat boy
OUT of it. One question: did you feel that way when Clinton was in office?