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Old 01-11-2007, 04:04 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Location: Ventura County
Originally Posted by dc_dux
You and Bush may believe the notion that we must fight them there so that we dont have to fight them here, but the majority of the American people know better.

Most of death and destruction now occuring in Iraq is not the work of terrorists with broader goals of attacking the US - Gen. Casey testified to that effect recently, noting that only an estimated 10% of the "enemy" are "terrorists" from outside Iraq. The Sunni insurgents (former Baathists) are fighting for their survival, the Shia militias (particularly al Sadr and his 50,000+ armed Badr brigade) are fighing for absolute sectarian control...and our military forces are in the crossfire. Neither group have designs or ambitions to attack us at home.
The CIA in '05 reported on the problem in a manner on the surface supports the position that our presence has exacerbated the problem. I am not sure where you stand, either Iraq is or is not the central point in the war on terror. In my view Iraq is attracting those who want to make war against the western world not creating them. If Iraq is the central point, Iraq is a problem and we need to be there. If Iraq is not the central point for the war on terror, I agree we have made a grave error.

President Bush has frequently described the Iraq war as an integral part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism. But the council's report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war.

"At the moment," NIC Chairman Robert L. Hutchings said, Iraq "is a magnet for international terrorist activity.

And, according to an NIE earlier this year, our invasion created and our ongoing presence in Iraq continues to create more potential terrorists in other countries in the Middle East and Europe with growing ant-american sentiments and ambitions.
I ask the question, why would that be true? Have you wondered the same? Personally I think we have attempted to handle this conflict in the best possible way. Are we hated because we fight for the freedom of others as well as our own? Are we hated because we removed an evil dictator? Are we hated because we support Isreal?

Sen Durbin expressed it best in his response to Bush:
Sen Durbin wants to re-deploy the troops, or bring them back home. I do to. I want to do it after we get Iraq under control. Under no circumstances do I want to leave the impression that we left Iraq unwilling to confront the chaos and the civil war we are in-part responsible for, I agree with Powel - we broke it, we must fix it.

The majority of the American people want us out,
Just for the record. No one wants to be involved in a war. However, those of us who support the war in Iraq see it as somthing that needs to be done. In my view we will fight the war 1,000 times if we pretend we are not at war, or we will fight it once. We failed in the first Gulf War because we did not finish the fight, I hope we don't make the same mistake again.

an even larger majority of Iraqis want us out,
Who is doing surveys of what the people in Iraq want? We do know about the millions who participated in the formation of their government. I don't doubt that they want us out and that they want peace. I bet the response to the "survey" would be based on how the questions were asked.

and even a majority of our forces on the ground in Iraq now want us out (or dont belive a "surge" will help).
There can be only one commander-in-chief. Again, a man or woman away from home, family and friends, if asked, would obviously want to come home. Again, I bet the way the question is asked would determine the tone of the response.

So who is really in a fog?
I am. I can admit this is a complicated issue with no easy answers. If everything is clear to you - you have my compliments, and I suggest you use your talents to help lead the way.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."

Last edited by aceventura3; 01-11-2007 at 04:11 PM..
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