Shortbus - Authentic Acting?
I should mention, I haven't seen this movie yet, but when I heard there was a lot of sex in it, I did my dardest to learn about it.
I know some of you have seen it, and I'd be interested in your commentary. But I have a question about the movie. One of the characters, Sook Yin Lee, used to be a Much Music VJ here in Canada. She currently hosts a Saturday afternoon program on CBC radio called Definitely Not The Opera. Anyway, it is well documented that her character in the movie strives to acheive her first orgasm, which she does acheive by the end of the film. What I found interesting is that she readily admits that the orgasm she had was real, and aided by a feminine device.
My question. Is that acting? She really had an orgasm. Perhaps she added some of her own flavour to the scene, but she admitted she wanted the scene to be as real as possible. Is it cheating? Is it acceptable acting practice? I know nothing of the actors craft, so I ask out of naivete.
I know some of you will no doubt point to another thread we had here recently about real sex in the movies, and that one example of the Monica Bellucci movie where she gets raped, so assume I already know that bit of information. I would like to think my question and this thread is more about acting and what is acceptable acting practice.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys