Originally Posted by Moskie
Ace.. we've discussed how I don't like getting wrapped up in metaphors before  but what if there's a waterfall at the end of that river? do you swim to the shore, or go careening off the edge?
I would hope we could work as a team to reach our final goal.
On my date after a while she finally realized the situation, gave me the silent treatment and focused on rowing. She broke up with me afterward, but I did have to endure a mouthful on the drive home, which was o.k. because she needed to vent her anger. I think she started dating a guy who liked writing poetry and taking black and white pictures of flowers, I think she was much happier, so was I.
And perhaps I'm just naive in my views of Congress approving the use of force in Iraq... but just because Congress gave him the OK, that doesn't equate to a free pass from being held accountable. What George Bush did with the military with Congress' approval, as commander in chief, is still his own responsibility. If things go bad, he should bear the brunt of that responsibility.... Congress gave Bush just enough rope to hang himself. Whether he does, is up to him.[/QUOTE]
Here is a link to the authority given to Bush:
(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to
(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.
Democrats who say they were and are against the Iraqi war voted in favor of this. Certainly Bush should be held accountable for mistakes, but it seems to me that you should hold all members of Congress equally responsible for us being in Iraq.
Also wars have peaks and valleys. At one point we were losing the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and WWII, in those wars in paticular I am very happy we continued fighting. I feel the same way about the war in Iraq.