Originally Posted by Stompy
I'm not saying it's a POS system, and no, it's not "junk", but it's not a wise purchase at the moment. It's all about what you pay vs. what you get right NOW. I'm sure anyone would agree right there. I said the same thing about the 360 a year ago. Back then, it wasn't worth buying. It is now.
That's a slightly more reasonable statement than most people are arguing.
Still though, back then Xbox 36 had NO good games, no flagship titles, at all. PS3 already has Resistance. Everyone is forgetting about how good this game is because no one has a PS3

Why is the Xbox 360 worth buying now? Because it has Gears of War. Why is PS3 worth purchasing now? It has Resistance, and a ton of other features. If you don't want the features, buy a 360. If you do, buy a PS3. Both are worthy of purchase.