Originally Posted by Stompy
No, it's not the same.
Reason being, you have a choice. They're not required to run the system, nor will they ever be. They won't make games that require the HD-DVD drive, for example. I didn't buy the wireless attachment or the HD DVD drive, and most people didn't either.
Plus most places have a $100 rebate on the 360. Whether it's $100 off the price, or a free game & gift card, or free controller & XBL subscription...
So really, you aren't paying much more than a Wii at this point.
Sony doesn't give you a choice. In any case, $600 for a console with maybe one good game... yeah, ain't happening.
You can get a 360 AND a Wii for the price of a PS3 
Ya, I agree that it's awesome that you don't have to spend the money if you don't want. I was just making a comparison to get the same functionality out of a 360 as a PS3 you would have to spend the same amount of money. Also, I don't see why you put that the 360 won't be using HD-DVD's for games as good because I see it as a HUGE drawback. Games on Blu Ray discs hold so much more data than a regular DVD. I sure wouldn't want games coming in 5 or more DVD's.
Also, you have to realize, yes there are rebates now on the 360, a full YEAR after it has been out. You can't expect that at launch from the PS3.
This is similar to saying "the iPhone is a RIP OFF because you could get a REGULAR cell phone, Mp3 player, and PDA for $600 instead!!!!!!"
I am so pumped about the iPhone. Just had to say that.