Far Cry Vengance - 7/10 (wii)
The only way i can describe this game is shady as fuck. There are moments where you attack an enemy, go past him, can't turn round because of the control system, and are butchered to death without knowing where the hell your being attacked from. Having the flick the nunchuk to jump is a pain, because if you jerk suddenly your guy flies into the air and off a cliff.
However, saying that, there is nothing quite as satisfying as nailing someone through a 10x zoom the otherside of a valley in the head with a sniper rifle that makes a huge boom. Or sneaking up behind someone and putting a machete through their back.
The graphics are not great, but i'm used to previous ninty games, so not that annoyed, but they can be a little odd when moving back 1 foot on a roof will allow you to zoom across an entire level, but moving forward will cover everything in grey fog.
Annoying as hell sometimes, fun as hell in others, just don't expect too much and you won't be dissapointed.
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