Originally Posted by Coppertop
After trying out both options in post #2, I've found that option #1 doesn't seem to remember my settings, and reverts to 1 row almost immediately, and always after restarting Firefox. So I tried option #2, and it makes my PCU usage jump to 100% and stay there when the Stylish extension is active. Disabling Stylish drops my usage down to normal levels (when nothing else is running). Is this normal or did I do something wrong?
I've been using Stylish for awhile now and haven't had any problems. I am using Firefox 2.0 though. It might make a difference. Have you thought about upgrading?
I went on and installed the code for the multiple rows and it works just fine. I did notice that the code did not reproduce correctly when I copied and pasted it in post #2. The first line should be:
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);