I can't speak for any books or CD-ROMs, since my brother taught me a lot of my guitar. But I suggest learning a lot of finger excersizes and scales, it will make changing chords and playing riffs etc. a lot easier. One excersize I still do everytime I play starts by playing the first four frets on the E string with all four fingers (if that makes any sense heh..) and then move onto the A string, same four frets and four fingers, then so on. Then once I reach the high E string, I go reverse down. Then I move up a fret, up then down, and so on until I run out of frets. After I mastered that I used hammer-ons and pull-offs (eh, I forget the exact terms), played each note twice with the pick, once downstroke and once up, etc..
Well I hoped I could help! Good luck, guitar is loads of fun.
I came across a nice rack at the department store