Originally Posted by j8ear
Great post Lindy. I struggle with the notion that while even producing or contributing nothing some notion of entitlement exists.
Okay....three of you have repeatedly posted the same, "10 men went to lunch", widely emailed and blogged "story". The background is that your article appeared in the February 23, 2002 issue of the Lakeshore News - Salmon Arm, B.C.
"It was written by Ron Adams, a local financial advisor who writes a regular column in the paper. Ron is sometimes a little irreverent and ruffles many conservative feathers in town but he is often entertaining and usually gets straight to the heart of the issue.":
As written by Ron:
I was having lunch at PJ's with one of my favourite clients last week and the conversation turned to the Campbell government's recent round of tax cuts. "I'm opposed to those tax cuts," the retired college instructor declared, "because they benefit the rich. The rich get much more money back than ordinary taxpayers like you and I and that's not fair."
"But the rich pay more in the first place," I argued, "so it stands to reason that they'd get more money back." I could tell that my friend was unimpressed by this meager argument. Even college instructors are a prisoner of the myth that the "rich" somehow get a free ride in Canada.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that everyday 10 men go to PJ's for dinner, The bill for all ten comes to $100....
<b>Now....here is the problem you are overlooking by dismisssing the premise of this thread's OP, simply by posting, three times, the five years old, anti-progressive taxation sentiments of a Canadian financial advisor. My problem is that you refuse to react to the US wealth redistribution trend. I've described the problem, with the data that supports the disturbing trend, below. The solution was not to shift the tax burden even more heavily onto those who "enjoy" a steadily shrinking portion of total US wealth, and wage stagnation, to the benefit of those who have experienced a doubling in their annual incomes, between 1979 and 2003.
Your sentiments are a prescription for turning the US into a place like Mexico City....kidnappings of the wealthy, the expense of body guards and heavy security to shield the "haves" from the "have nots", and the lessening of the ability of the "haves" to come and go as they please.
People get angry when the wealthy become too successful at concentrating the wealth, and hence the political and financial leverage of a country. When the "have nots" get to the point where they decide that they have nothing to lose, they begin to act like it. If you do not have anything to add to this discussion, kindly stop reposting the Ron Adams article.
Instead, please tell us how "tax reform" that shifts the tax burden, in any way, to the people who have benefitted the least from economic growth and prosperity, and away from the people who have a virtual "lock" on the increased wealth, is of any benefit, to anyone. Tell us how the growing disparity can be slowed or reversed, without political interference. Tell us how people who experience the loss of representative government, because it has been bought and co-opted by the richest, will sit still, trusting that the "system" will solve the problem...no matter how bad things get for them.
In a hunter gatherer society, if one hunting unit developed a weapon that allowed that unit to take...say 8 out of ten of the game kills on every hunting trip, and that unit refused to share it's bounty, and it became more and more difficult for every other hunting group to find and kill enough game, even to subsist, what do you think would happen to the unit with the superior hunting weapon that refused to share it's out of proportion food supply with the less successful units. We enjoy the resource that the hunter gatherers did not have. We have a government that can respond to inequities in the social structure, especially if the inequity is influenced by the buying of the power and influence of the government, by the wealthiest few.
The "rest of us" will not sit still and idly observe the richest one percent continue to take an increasingly large piece of the pie, and buy legislation to lower their proportion of the total tax burden as they grow richer, and while our wealth barely increase at all. You can repost Ron Adams' article as often as you like, but it does not acknowledge, accept, or offer solutions to the problems of growing wealth and political influence inequity that the Bush tax cuts are aggravating...
<b>January 29, 2006
<b>begins on page 2:</b>
Prior to 2001, the share of
capital income that was
received by the top one
percent never exceeded 50
percent and typically was
well below that mark.
In other words, prior to
2001, the top one percent
received less than half of the
capital income. Now it
receives significantly more
than half of such income.
Accordingly, the degree to
which the highest-income
households benefit from
efforts to reduce taxes on
capital income has increased
as well.
Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Cut Would Exacerbate General Growth in Income Disparities
Depicted by the CBO Data
The capital income that CBO analyzed consists of four sources: interest, dividends, rents, and
capital gains. The CBO data do not separate out capital income by source. The CBO data reflect
interest income that is subject to taxation as well as tax-exempt interest income (such as interest earned
on municipal bonds); however, the data only consider capital gains and dividend income that is subject
to taxation. All capital income in tax-exempt retirement accounts is not reflected in the data. As a
result, for the most part the CBO data only reflect capital income subject to taxation.
Although the CBO do not break out trends by the specific source of capital income, the general
trend depicted by the data strongly suggests that policies that reduce taxes on capital gains and
dividend income are of growing benefit to high-income households, since such households are
receiving an increasing share of capital income.
Adding to concerns over the increasingly regressive effects of extending lower taxes on capital gains
and dividend income, the CBO data also show a dramatic widening in overall income disparities during
the past two and one half decades. From 1979 (the first year for which CBO has compiled these data)
to 2003 (the most recent year for which the data are available):
<b>The average after-tax income of the top one percent of the population more than doubled, rising
from $305,800 to $701,500, for a total increase of $395,700, or 129 percent. (CBO adjusted these
figures for inflation and expressed them in 2003 dollars.)
By contrast, the average after-tax income of the middle fifth of the population rose a relatively
modest 15 percent (less than one percentage point per year), and the average after-tax income of
the poorest fifth of the population rose just 4 percent, or $600, over the 24-year period.</b>
Extending lower tax rates on capital gains and dividend income would exacerbate the long-term
trend toward growing income inequality.
The Unnoticed CBO Data
The data described here are from a CBO report released in December 2005. The findings related to
the concentration of capital income have gone unnoticed, in part because readers of this report and
similar past CBO reports tend to focus on the trends that these reports depict in federal tax burdens
and in overall income inequality. The findings also have gone unnoticed because of how the
information appears in the report.
Table 1B of the CBO report shows the share of corporate income tax liabilities paid by various
income groups. Because corporate tax returns are filed by corporations while taxes are ultimately
borne by individuals, CBO must distribute corporate taxes liabilities to individual taxpayers based on
information about taxpayers’ sources of income. In keeping with a widespread consensus among
economists, CBO distributes corporate income tax liabilities to households based on their shares of
capital income.
Because of CBO’s methodology, CBO’s findings regarding the distribution of corporate tax liabilities
are a reflection of its findings regarding shares of capital income.
<b>That is, CBO’s finding that 57.5
percent of corporate income tax liabilities in 2003 were paid by the top one percent is simply a
reflection of CBO’s estimate that 57.5 percent of capital income in 2003 was received by the top one
percent.</b> It is presumably because the information on the share of capital income going to various
groups is never presented directly in the CBO report that the trend described in this analysis has not
previously come to light.
Table 1. <b>Share of Capital Income Flowing to Households in Various Income Categories
Income Category</b>
Year _____1979______2003
Quintile 1.8%____ 0.6%
Quintile 4.1%____ 1.6%
Quintile 6.7%____ 4.3%
Quintile 10.5%____ 6.1%
Quintile 76.5%____ 85.8%
10% _____66.7% ____79.4%
5% ______57.9% ____73.2%
<b>Top 1% __37.8%_____57.5% </b>
<b>The findings above are supported by data available of the CBO.gov website:</b>
Effective Federal Tax Rates Under Current Law, 2001 to 2014
August 2004
Section 2 of 4
Effective Federal Tax Rates
Under Current Law, 2001 to 2014
<b>Table 2.
Effective Federal Tax Rates and Shares Under Current Tax Law, Based on 2001 Incomes, by Income Category, 2001 to 2014</b>
<b>Share of Total Federal Tax Liabilities</b>
Lowest _______2001____________2006_____2007___2008
Second _______2001____________2006_____2007___2008
Middle _______2001____________2006_____2007___2008
Fourth_ _______2001____________2006_____2007___2008
Highest _______2001____________2006_____2007___2008
Top 10 Percent 50.0___________48.7_____48.5____48.3
Top 5 Percent 38.5___________37.3_____37.0____36.7
Top 1 Percent 22.7___________21.3_____21.1____20.7