I found this movie that explains the mayan calendar. It is not based on any movement in space, it is based on stages of universal consciousness.
The mayans had a 360 day calendar and a 260 day calendar, these two function together. They also had a 365 and 1/4 day calendar for use in tax collecting and agriculture.
There is a missconception that ancient civilizations had 360 day calendars because they could not measure the year very good but it's not true. The summerians and the celts also had 360 day calendars.
The mayan calendar uses very long periods of time - millions and billions of years, it starts 16.4 billions years ago - the date the mayans thought was the birth of the Universe. The first scientists who found out these numbers in their calendar were very intrigued about their use to the mayans
Secrets of the Mayan Calendar - 1
Secrets of the Mayan Calendar - 2
Secrets of the Mayan Calendar - 3