It probably is crappy gear, but I can only use what it gives me.
I have a Steel Bow (4 Attack Power) and Steel Arrows (4 AP)
Just did a quest where it dropped a "magical" blade that only had 3 AP, so I'm assuming the scaling is matching just fine. The spot where the 2 guys thrashed me, I just so happened to have a magic staff with charges that I used to just whip them. Couldn't with my bow, however. I've never seen a weapon above 4 Attack, so I'm assuming either most weapons suck or I Just haven't hit the quests yet that give me the good stuff.
However, the catch is, I can't beat the quests to get the good stuff. Even at lv 3, the very beginning of the game as I was going through and trying to close the Oblivion gate, I was totally overwhelmed.
Aside from that whole bit where I got myself stuck in a rut and can't progress (and the level scaling which I was never a fan of even in FF8 or Ultima), the entire game itself is well made.
Moskie - it was the.. Skingrad (sp?) Mage guild recommendation.
And yeah, the difficulty thing is a bit of a stubborn thing. I'm not a fan of making things easier when faced with difficult situations, but at the same time I suppose it's excusable since I'm in a situation where I just can't progress.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 01-08-2007 at 08:15 AM..