Well, you had the opportunity to say something like "The Bush Administration from the start forbade international ngo's, foreign companies and the UN from leading major reconstruction programs in Iraq, wanting them run instead by American companies exclusively", but went once again into liberal intellectual mode by blaming the entirety of Bush's mistakes and lack of progress on "american conservatism", as if the Bush neoncons are majority representative of American conservatism
Why even use pseudo-diplomatic disclaimers like "far right" and "the extreme right of the george w bush persuasion" when its obvious that to you there is no "far, far right", there is only "american conservatism". Why not go the one further step and say there are only "conservatives" who are the problem?
I like Biden's plan, particularly the idea of giving the different iraqi factions their own regions (not unlike the layouts of many large american cities), dividing up the oil revenues between the groups, and especially the incentive of a employment and reconstruction plan based on recognition of minority rights.
Again I think chirac likes to talk more for domestic reasons than anything else. All he seems concerned about (in this respect) are the muslims in his own country and how to mollify them. I'd like to hear more of what Germany, Italy and the Netherlands have to say on the matter.