dk.....ok so evidently you have never had any rights taken away. Neither have I. In fact, I have had a right added during my lifetime, through the 23rd amendment to the Constitution that was enacted in 1963 (I was 1 year old at the time) that gave DC residents the right to vote for President.
I do find it admirable that you are concerned about the rights of others. I am just trying to understand exactly what rights have been infringed upon by over regulation or an activist judiciary in your lifetime....pre-2000 as opposed to the last 6 years.
host.....I agree that the battle against the extremists on the right wont be won overnight. As more of the excesses are exposed (and I do appreciate the exposure you provide), more people (mostly centrists types) are understanding the need to respond. We just differ in tactics. I dont want to alienate those centrists...I want them on our side.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 01-06-2007 at 07:07 AM..