Originally Posted by Brewmaniac
Ok Will, you can't post about a drugged out goat attacking a dog without explaining.
This made me laugh out loud! Hell I'm still laughing, I've got tears in eyes, from envisioning this!
Thanks dude!
No problemo, here's the story:
Okay, the house I live in is at least 60-70 years old (though we rebuilt a lot of it when we moved in a few years back), and there was a lovely elderly couple that lived there for like 55-60 years before us. About 45 years ago, the house was surrounded by groves, and only had one neighbor, the house next door. They were reclusive and they raised some livestock, including goats. There had always been rumors that they were producing opiates, but nothing was ever confirmed. Back in these times, the couple had their kids and a female dalmation named Pepper. Pepper was mild mannored and great with the kids. So one day Pepper was eating her food, minding her own business, when a cracked out baby goat cleared the 6 foot fence seperating the two properties and charged. Pepper only had enough time for her eyes to go wide and she got butted into a bush. The goat flipped out doing flips anjd charging into trees and the big window. The husband, being a military offier, had no qualms about running out the door and straight at the goat. The goat charged in kind just in time to have a rod iron chair smack it over the head. The husband hog tied the goat, walked up the the front door of the neighbors, untied the goat, and threw it in closing the door behind it. There was a lot of noise and the goat never came back.