Originally Posted by shesus
I think that you are going through a growing pain. You are 21 and that is a huge transition in life. You are grown up, but still maybe relying on people because of college and such. You are becoming more of an adult and the resistance against family and childhood friends wanting you to stay the same is tough.
It is tough to make new friends once outside the high school world. Many people float around feeling isolated like they don't fit in or relate to others. I have felt this way most of my life. Then I find people who I think I can relate to and another change takes place and I'm back at square 1. For the first time since college, I can say that I have friends who relate to me and I can trust. But this is after over 6 years of having only aquaintances.
However, I think huge thing for me was that I finally accepted myself. How could I expect anyone else to be friends with me if I didn't know myself? I feel bad for people who tried to be my friends during my exploration years. I was a mess and floating from belief to belief trying to find myself. Once I was stable and knew exactly who I was, then others were comfortable around me and friendships were born
You can get on medication for anxiety, but that starts all new problems. I would try to deal with it sans meds first.
I wish you luck!
Yeah, I definitely need to solidify my beliefs and appreciation for self. A half hour ago, I struggled to get myself out of the house to run errands because I was worried my hair looked weird. When I am comfortable with myself, I am more confident than when I am not.
I mean, if I don't look the way I want to look, how can I walk around confidently? Should I train myself to not care about my looks, or should I try and look the way I want? I almost feel like I can't approach someone happily or confidently if I know I don't look the way I want.
But, then I see a friend from across the country who can walk around with beat up clothes and hair like one of those cavemen on the Geico commercials. Seriously, he looks just like them, yet he is fine with himself. It bothers me that he can live normally looking like that, and I can't live normally looking even half that odd.