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Old 01-05-2007, 12:51 PM   #15 (permalink)
powerclown, this is your most thorough critique of my participation at TFP since this, more than a year ago:
Originally Posted by powerclown

Yes, but what does this mean exactly? How can you pretend to be accessing 'transparent' material from sites that are committed to the Left point of view? Of course you are going to get the material you want from sites that resonate with your beliefs. How can you honestly invalidate while at the same time validate

<b>While I have respect for the amount of time you put into your posts, whenever I respond I get deluged with guerilla op-eds. And not only that (and one or more mods here can attest to this) but you frequently omit key parts of articles that don't support your line. </b>

99% of the sources everyone provides here are op-eds, and these days that means they are strongly partisan., The New Republic, are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Left - these organizations have no interest in espousing moderate, rational views. I have found very few sites that take a reasonable, moderate viewpoint, yet they do exist. In the case of this particular thread, one simply needed to cite the official Senate voting records to answer politicophile's question, not Liberal op-eds of those voting records.

So evertime someone posts an opinion or comment, they have to back it up with a source, which inevitably gets knocked down anyway?

Take the last week or so. I have made multiple posts regarding the Democratic cooperation for the Iraq War. What do *I* get for my effort? Snark, patronizing remarks, or sarcasm. Here, for example. I get tired of this shit real fast.

Why should he 'participate as you've described'? He started the thread, he asked a legitimate question, and you (and others) never directly answered his question. Instead, you cite multiple, dubious sources that you think discredits his question to begin with, which you use as justification to avoid the question.

Please...your links are some of the most partisan out there. 2-way street. If we had a judge here declaring guerilla op-eds as inadmissable, the courtroom analogy might work. I truly believe at this point that people are here mostly just to vent their frustrations, not seek the truth.

I'll cut and paste to repeat: Take the last week or so. I have made multiple posts regarding the Democratic cooperation for the Iraq War. What do *I* get for my effort? Snark, patronizing remarks, or sarcasm. Here, for example. I get tired of this shit real fast.

As long as you maintain that guerilla op-eds constitute "unimpeachable points of fact", interesting and intelligent dialogue here will remain the exception to the rule.
...damned if I post a lot, damned if I post a little. I limit my posts to making my points, sharing the influences that excited me enough to bother to go through the exercise of posting them....

This thread is an example. I read the article at, and I reacted. I've shared the material and my reaction. I'm not a "news reader". I take in the information, and I react to it. If I was not affected intellectually and emotionally by what is reported to be going on around me....politically, I would have no impetus to post.

I assume that not everyone is "fixed" in "knowing what they already know" to be the rock solid facts. I share what has influenced (moved) me to the point that I've created a post about it.

I don't control or anticipate how many things, like the OP article will "come along" for me to react to. Unfortunately for you and others, and especially for me, there is quite a lot, most of the time. I am not moved to post on subjects like "the good that is happening in Iraq". It's nice if good stuff is happening, but it doesn't often move me to post.

I doubt that I can change, and I lack the confidence (or maybe the arrogance and ignorance) to simply post my opinion, as if it was fact. I am not comfortable unless I share what has moved me to the position that I take in a post.

Last edited by host; 01-05-2007 at 12:54 PM..
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