Originally Posted by host
Americans are an aging, increasingly ailing and poorer population....soon to be foreclosed on in unprecedented numbers as the housing bubble pops...
I can definately agree with this as an investor. The housing bubble has already reached it's maximum tensile strengthc and is in the process of bursting from the bottom up. 82% of recent SF Bay Area loans are adjustable. As a former owner, this would have represented extreme danger every time the interest rates go up, and it's only going to get worse as more ARMs get adjusted upwards. It's going to be losses for a long time....
....luckely I've been out of of the market for 9 months.....
Originally Posted by Business Week
Today's housing prices are predicated on an impossible combination: the strong growth in income and asset values of a strong economy, plus the ultra-low rates of a weak economy. Either the economy's long-term prospects will get worse or rates will rise. In either scenario, housing will weaken.