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Old 01-04-2007, 05:33 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JinnKai
Interesting thread, and unfortunately I have to agree with those saying it went too much of a witch hunt much too quickly.
I would really like to know how you and Shakran think getting information is a witch hunt. Do you have kids? Own a house? No one went after this guy, no one threatened to have him removed, beaten, etc. A bit of irony there that I go within the law and get what is put out there (more than our own police did, apparently), and get ostracized here for wanting to protect my kids and for being pissed that as a parent, I have to do it instead of the authorities, whose job it should have been.
Have you ever been the victim of a crime or been sexually assaulted? I have, my mother was at the age of 3(yes, child molesters were around way back then too) and my sister was an intended but lucky almost-victim back in 1964. There was no registries back then, either.
In this particular instance, someone was registered, on the national register as a two-time offender and, because no one went through the proper channels, a school bus stop was placed in front of his house, not cool at all, plus he managed to move one block from a preschool, which also was not informed and was supposed to be. Having information doesn't make something a witch hunt. Having to find the information by digging and digging because no one in the position to know what's happening, doesn't, is ridiculous. I tell my kids don't go there or don't do this because I want them safe, and every morning I was sending them off to stand in front of a twice-convicted felon's house. And a convicted flasher!! There's something to talk about in study hall.....
And interesting thing to note is that more men think that Megan's Law takes it too far or that the label is overused? Why? Because if a woman were to lie, decieve, or falsify records, we could easily end up a sex offender. And to be frank, the treatment and thoughts that people have in this thread towards people with that label scares me. Remind me to never piss off a woman.

All it would take is a woman to lie convincingly and consistently and I could be put in a jail for a long time, and come out labeled and stigmatized. That SCARES me.

And yet on the other hand, if a man were to do the same thing, it's unlikely that it would ever make it to trial. Even if it did, I have a hard time believing the woman would actually be convicted as a sex offender. She'd probably end up with house arrest like that teacher. Gender imbalance, anyone?
The fact of the matter is, women get victimized many many more times than men-rape is primarily a man overpowering woman crime. Women that use it to seek revenge are assholes-that's clear. But, while you can fear possibly getting charged erroneously with a crime of rape, etc., we fear getting raped, and possibly killed. That's the imbalance. (And more than one female teacher has gone to prison for seducing minors-think Mary Laterneau(sp).
And as a side note, I don't think exposing oneself should be a crime. Sex, penetration, touching, etc.. that's entirely different. There are entire nude colonies, and the European world has an entirely different view than we do on nudity. I think our Protestant fear of nudity has gone a bit far. Someone sees my winky and I'm sexually offending them?
Just as there are 'degrees' of sex crime charges, there are degrees of 'lewdness'. Peeing in an alley might get you a desk ticket. Standing on a corner flashing kids as they walk home from school will get you more. Of course, it depends on where you live and the courts, but generally, circumstances rule what the crime is or should be. Nudist colonies and lifestyles are a completely different animal altogether.
Mostly because sexual assault, rape, etc.. are never accidental. Nakedness can be entirely accidental. If I forget to close my blinds walking from my bathroom to my bedroom and a kid walks by, I hardly think I'm a sex offender.
You wouldn't be. Cops don't do witch hunts either.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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