Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
While I do the same, and look at our local list on a regular basis, I will say one thing about the above quote.... I don't care one hill of beans if it was consentual, lol, if the guy was say in his late 20's or older, and was doing it with ANY person under the age of 18, I wouldn't want them ANYWHERE near my kids.... Consentual or not, he CHOSE to have sex with a minor...sorry, in my book that is strike one, strike two, strike 3, GET OUT!.....lol
I agree absolutely. Only I believe there is a big difference in nature, psychologically speaking, between a man who has consensual sex with a 16-year-old and one molests a pre-pubescent child. One is definitely more of a danger to society than the other. And from my experience, I've become aware that our justice system doesn't exactly consider and reflect that difference, which is why dangerous people are so often let back out onto the street. That is my main concern. I think more attention should be given in our courtrooms to the differences between true
pedophiles and what you might otherwise call
child molesters. There is a much higher rate of recidivism amongst pedophiles, and worse, a tendency towards increasingly violent crimes against their victims.