If you're really set on getting out, you can get a part time job and find ways to cut down on things that take up time and money, which you'll need to use to work and pay bills. If you can get 2 roommates, that will push your rent down a lot. There will still be bills though, so expect to pay at least another few hundred a month on those, transportation, food, etc.
An alternative to the loan idea would be to get a job now but stay at home for another 6 months or so. If you can get $600-$800 a month and put it away (all of it!) you will have a good buffer after 6 months. Then you can move out, and your job should let you just about break even each month. Keep the buffer, and even add to it if you think you can; you never know when you'll need it. Building up a buffer like that will also let you gauge how you will do once you're out and on your own.