thanks, i'll call the numbers later tonight and let you know whats going on. When the accident happened I wanted to handle it without getting anyone in trouble and not contacting his insurance but he gave a wrong phone number and his name isn't in the phone book so we are left with no other options
I called the insurance company. They said they only do business insurance in volume and they don't have the ability to track from a policy number or license plate number. They also said they believe the information given to me was false because of the way the guy acted.
So I called the DMV and they told me they cannot release the information on the vehicle but I was able to ween a few things out of them from the plates. First the plates are valid plates and belong to a truck. Also the guy gave us an incorrect name but the first name he gave us is the same (but spelled differently).
Below is a picture of the vehicle and am wondering if anyone can identify the make, model, and or year of this vehicle.
If I have this information I should be able to verify with the DMV if the plates belong to the correct vehicle.
Right now I think I only have 3 options. First would be to file a claim with our insurance and let them handle it while risking our insurance going up and us getting stuck with the deductible. Second would be to contact the police again and attempt to get them to pursue the guy for insurance fraud. 3 cut our losses and just live with the damages and let the guy get away with this.
Personally I could care less about the damages now I want the guy to get in trouble with the police.