Originally Posted by MixedMedia
The Descent 10/10
I LOVED this film. But I NEVER want to see it again, lol. Probably the best horror movie to be made in...I don't know, I can't even say. I can't remember the last time I saw a horror film that used suspense (excruciating suspense) and DARKNESS to better effect.
I agree. We saw it at the theater over the summer. It wasn't that we thought it would be good, I just saw it advertised everyday while waiting for the train and when JJ asked what movie, it came to mind. But it was the best suspense/horror movie I've seen in a very long time. I screamed and had everyone around us laughing...good tension breaker.

The plot was good and the characters even better. I was concerned with them all being women...a boob fest, woe is me...but it wasn't. This movie should be seen by all who like horror/suspense movies.