You couldn't know, people are not expected to be mind readers.
Most importantly... what he did, he did for himself and himself only. You cannot have guilt over the personal choices of others.
If you did talk to him, and he took his life, you'd wonder why you didn't do a better job... or if he did it suddenly without calling, you'd wonder if it'd been different if you'd kept in touch more... that line of thinking can go as far back as your mind can take it... but that doesn't make any of it relevant.
People looking to commit suicide often reach out to someone before they do it... hoping that whoever is the last person they talk to will save them. We cannot always know their intentions, and it's a selfish and mean expectation to place on another person without their knowledge. That's not meant as mean, but suicide is a selfish act. Sometimes, they reach out to a total stranger, hoping that somehow they'll see what they're about to do and "stop" them.
You can't agonize over not having pieced it all together like a puzzle. Your hindsight, now that you know the outcome, is 20/20- you did not have this perspective before, when on the phone with him.
Grieve as you will, but he took his baggage with him... don't hold onto any of it for yourself.