Originally Posted by digme
I tried to speed things up with an eppilator, but it hurt much more and left lots of small red bumps. So I went back to the tweasers. It took a damn long time, and I wasn't able to get some of the more difficult angles, but I am very happy with the result.
With an eppilator? Man, that must have hurt... a male's body hair is almost twice as thick, not to mention that the nervous (is that the word?) are much more.
I would encourage every guy to try this once. Swallow your pride and start calling salons until you can find a waxer that will do it. Come home and surprise your lady. You might be surprise by how much you like it and how much she likes it. I am definitely planning on doing this again.
Well, I pass, I'm not going to wax anything on me. I trim some of my downstairs hair, shave the armpits because I really have a lot, so it's a must do. If I had hair in my back, you can be damn sure I'd wax it.
Besides, I don't think that enduring pain while waxing makes you anymore of a man, nor I think I have to wax to prove my manliness.