Okay, so here's the deal. As I went to the gym today, I got to wondering how much weight I lift in an entire year. I was talking to my workout partner and we both thought the idea of lifting one million pounds in one year sounded cool. After I got home, I did the math, and it is very possible. It really all depends on how many days a year you can go to the gym. I currently go 5 days week, almost every week. If I continue that, I should break 1 million pretty easily this year, and very likely 2 million.
Anyway, to chronicle my workouts this year and the journey to one million pounds, I created a little blog to track my progress.
NOW, on to the thread!
Immediately, I thought of the push-up challenge thread and I thought it would be fun to create a new challenge thread for those of us that lift weights and see how fast we can get to 1 million pounds.
Please do like push-up challenge thread and inlcude your weight and the new total in your post so that is easy to find the updated total.
I guess I'll get us started...
8,145 pounds