External/Easy goals:
I'd like to travel to places I should have visited before, but haven't yet:
Grand Canyon, Sedona, Catalina.
Chicago will be my bonus round.
Finish up a few more burly sets so I can focus more this year on promotion.
Promote my belly dance classes more.
Pay for my sister's laser eye surgury (shh, it's a secret!).
Continue to work on both my fitness levels (more yoga and aerobic activity) and my alcohol tolerance.
Work on the house: New paint, carpet, kitchen counters, kitchen flooring! Wish me luck!
Internal (harder):
Will be more honest with myself and others when I am unhappy about things, so I can work on correcting those things, rather than dismissing my feelings to make others feel better.
Promoting sexual enjoyment (umm, my own!).
Looks like it'll be busy again!