Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
Executioners have always worn masks/hoods for identity protection. The video quality is low and that could be the result of the low lighting.
Yup...there is an explanation for everything....nothing about this execution is extraordinary....our leaders are the models of legitimacy....how could they, or their judgment be illegitimate or dysfunctional ??
(December 31, 2006 -- 05:42 PM EDT)
If you watch the video of the moments leading up to Saddam Hussein's execution, am I wrong that it bears a certain resemblance to the terrorist snuff films we've watched out of Iraq over the last three years? A dark, dank room. The executioners wear not uniforms of any sort, either civilian or military, but street clothes and ski masks. We now <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/31/world/middleeast/31gallows.html?hp&ex=1167541200&en=5db66dae7cb12d0e&ei=5094&partner=homepage">learn</a> that the executioners were apparently taken from the population of southern Iraq, the country's Shi'a heartland, where Saddam's repression was most severe. And in an apt symbolic statement on what the Iraq War is about, two of the executioners who saw Saddam off started hailing Moktada al Sadr in Saddam's face as they prepared to hang him. Remember, al Sadr's Mahdi Army is the force the 'surge' of new US troops is <a href="http://americaabroad.tpmcafe.com/blog/americaabroad/2006/dec/21/surging_into_the_abyss">meant to crush</a> next year. That's where we are.
-- Josh Marshall
.....sounds "legit", above board, official and respectful to me....no, wait !!! It smells..... it sinks us as low as those we accuse and judge, IMO. If we buy into this, it might even make us bigger hypocrites than those we condemn.
Are we ordering our own troops to kill and die because we mistakenly plunged our military into the midst of a civil war ? Will we be shooting at the side we were backing on the day we executed Saddam on a US military base, in a country that our president declared as "sovereign", 2-1/2 years ago, today?
Is it justice, or "victors justice"....there's a difference.......