Watch my documentary from the first post and you will see the problem - the money supply of the nation is in the hands of private people - The Federal Reserve is a private corporation, they can influence the economy, even cause a depression. The state borrows money from this corporation and has a debt to pay to it - artificial debt good only to that corporation, the people can have money with no debt - if state prints them, why borrow them ? I repeat the Federal Reserve is a private bank, why borrow from them when the government could print money ? Towards the end of the second part, the author proposes a solution - stop of the fractional reserve banking, and take control of the money printing - government job - today the Federal Reserve prints the money - a private corporation over which nobody has control. They finance both political parties, practicaly they control the economy
Why do the people need to pay debts trough the taxes ? We can have money with no debt linked to them
Last edited by pai mei; 12-31-2006 at 08:58 AM..