Originally Posted by analog
See, the issue that I have with this sort of logic, and why it's patently faulty, is because if I went and ejaculated into a female right now, impregnated her, and she bore a child- suddenly my opinion is valid in your eyes because I'm now a "parent".
Yes, your opinion on what it means to be a parent would be more valid to me if you were actually a parent, because you would actually know what it's like to be a parent. You wouldn't be someone who has thought about what it means to be a parent, you wouldn't be someone who knows someone who is a parent you'd be someone who is, you know, actually a parent. It's like if you were actually a paramedic (instead of someone who might potentially be a paramedic someday) and you were telling me what it's like to be a paramedic you would be more credible than some guy who isn't a paramedic, but insists that he understands what paramedics go through without providing any evidence that he actually does.
You insist the status of "parent" makes a person valid to argue parenting with you- when all it takes to be a parent is a sperm and an egg, not skills, a brain, common sense, or anything else. Maybe I should go knock up a girl just so you'll respect or accept my opinions- because then, you'd have to, by your own definition of what allows a person to talk about these things.
I know that you already know this, but it would seem that it bears mention: there is actually more that goes on with being a parent than simply conceiving and delivering a child.
Don't get me wrong, a brain and some compassion help too, but in the end, unless you actually have had a child or have been a guardian of a child you can't credibly comment on what it feels like to be a parent. Sorry analog, but you can't know how things feel when you've never experienced them for yourself.
This isn't to say that you can't have anything interesting or relevant to say on the subject of parenting, just that you can't credibly claim to understand what it feels like to be a parent. You can't expect me to take seriously any statements you make about what being a parent means to a parent.
Even if someone is a parent, it doesn't mean that i will take them seriously concerning the subject of parenting. There are a lot of shitty parents out there
What's really asinine is that even though twice i've asked you how you can possibly justify your assertions of credibility on the subject of "what it's like to be a parent' you refuse to even acknowledge the question.
I also was not arguing anything about the qualifications for being a parent, so I have no idea what you're talking about in that respect. Clearly, since at least one person (JumpinJesus) says it is not the most fulfilling/meaningful thing that every person can do, and he does bear the all-important status of "parent" (and has for many years) which renders him able to converse on such topics, I am not incorrect in saying that being a parent is not, the most fulfilling/meaningful thing that every person can do. He is a parent, and he feels there are other things more fulfilling/meaningful. So, I'm not sure what we're arguing, since you are arguing for a universal application of opinion onto all persons, and I'm saying that nothing is universally true- and here is an example in this very thread.
I'm not arguing for a universal application of anything other than the idea that everybody has the right to tell themselves that some things are universal i.e. if someone wants to believe that raising a child is the the greatest thing ever than that is their right. The statement that raising a child is the most meaningful thing ever is a completely subjective statement to make, as are any rebuttals to it.
By the way, the notion that nothing is universally true is inherently logically invalid.