willravel, the hypocrisy and smugness that leaps up at me from the premise and followups on the "Saddam is Hanged" thread, in my view, needed to be compared alongside the evidence of the actual history and collaboration.
I'm also disappointed that the mods haven't seen fit, more than 40 posts into that thread, to transfer it to the category where it belongs. The tragedy is that ignorant, easily duped Americans enabled Saddam, and the war criminals who ended up hanging him, and destroying Iraq in the process that led up to it.
They "know what they know", God bless 'em.... they are our neighbors, and you gotta love their almost "child like" sincerity....or.....do you?
After all....Saddam was a very bad man.....but those who supplied him with weapons, encouraged him along the way, and used him as a proxy puppet to fight their bloody ideal/religious driven battles are our national heroes, and the folks who voted for them, and slap each other on the back today, see themselves as the saved....the righteous.....and they see the president of Iran at the center of the axis of "evil". Who has more blood on their hands, Iran and it's leaders, or the Americans who rejoice over Saddam's execution and voted for and still support Reagan and the Bushes?