The real problem is "fractional reserve banking". Banks creating money out of nothing. Let's say I am the World Bank, is it fair that I give you 1 million $ - wich I create out of nothing, just a click and you have a credit card with 1 million $, then you have to work - for real to give me back my money + interest ? Also becouse I create money , I create inflation
Governments use tax money to pay the debt, then becouse they run out of money they borrow again, and so on, the bank just gets richer and the debt will never be payed - just what the bank wants : the more time you have the debt, the bigger the interest, and they have nothing to lose - the thin air from which the money appeared in the first place
Banks can do what I said above and they do it all the time ,it is legal.
Watch the documentary from my first post it explains very well how did it come to this, I am not inventing anything
Last edited by pai mei; 12-31-2006 at 12:14 AM..