Wow. I'm beginning to wonder if we should tag threads with "please don't respond if you're not going to agree." This is getting silly. The point of everyone being 18 or older here is to over the "fuck off n00b" attitude." We seem to be moving away from that with threads like this where if a person disagrees with you, we get a large group doing nothing but attacking anyone that disagrees with them. I keep hearing how people are saying, "I'm offended by that post," only to turn around and attack that person much worse than they ever did in the first place. Grow up.
On to the question, I feel that it's completely dependent on the person. For me, I know that it would be fulfilling to me. I'm also willing to admit that it's a possibility that it would be horribly unfulfilling for someone else.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different" ~ Machine Head