Originally Posted by analog
First of all, the only reason I brought this up in THIS thread is because this thread is about having children, and whether or not it's a worthwhile thing to do... so yeah, i'm not just going off on a tangent. Everyone had already been talking about how fulfilling having a child is, OR how worthwhile it is- there was nothing tangential about anything I posted, it was based completely on the commentary of pretty much everyone who'd posted before me. Feel free to take a look... I believe you were actually the first to use the word "meaningful" and second only to the thread starter in "fulfilling". So yeah, I'm not pulling wars out of my ass- this was the topic at hand.
Nothing tangential? You basically came into a discussion where everybody was amicably talking about their opinions on the pros and cons of marriage and child rearing and said something to the effect of, "Anyone who thinks like this is an delusional." The thread is about whether having kids and getting married are worth it, not whether having kids is the most meaningful thing that could ever be done by anyone anywhere. Still, you come in here, guns blazing, calling people delusional and mocking "breeders" as if all breeders can be lumped together into one cohesive group. I'm just saying, it's kind of a douchebag move.
Once again: I am saying that it is not "the" most fulfilling thing that any person, every person, all people, everywhere, universally, can do. If you say it's the most fulfilling thing YOU, PERSONALLY, can do, I already said that we all define fulfillment differently, and that's perfectly fine. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that (because all people define fulfillment differently) I take issue when someone asserts that it is a universal truth that there is nothing more fulfilling for any person, every person, all people, everywhere, universally, to do.
Well, i could see you objecting if someone had made that claim, but nobody did. Soma said it
seemed like it was, which is another way of saying that s/he thinks that it might be. This is an opinion, and much like yours it is based on someone's perspective. Soma is entitled to his/her opinion, just as you are entitled to yours. It's not like you've offered up any sort of objective evidence to support your opinion. Calling someone delusional because you disagree with them about something that is completely subjective is pointless. You're the comic book guy when it comes to breeding.
Also, it's so cute when people feel the need to respond by going at a person line for line... it takes out all that pesky "context" and makes things seem easier, doesn't it?
What's cute is how you mistake being passionate about a topic with having anything remotely relevant to say about it. That's cute. It reminds me of myself in high school. It's also cute how you co-opt the words of bill hicks without actually co-opting any of the funny. It's also very clever. It's cute how you can take a perfectly acceptable and understandable position about the role of child rearing in the context of the greater good and turn it into some sort of overly self important diatribe about how breeders are assholes.
I'm gonna go ahead and ignore the rest of your response because you basically tell me how wrong I am... because you stand by your original opinion... which is not really a response at all, while still insisting I'm childless and clueless. It seems like you think that if you repeat what you've already said, including repeating how wrong you think I am, that it will actually become true. So, I'm sorry to say this conversation has reached a point where forward progress seems impossible and I excuse myself, with a thank you, for the conversation we did have.
Well, that sucks. I was interested in hearing how you could possibly understand, on any kind of deep level, what it's like having a child. Unfortunately, i guess, your going to opt out of any sort of explanation, which i guess makes sense, since you don't actually have one beyond "Anyone who questions my ability to talk about things with which i have no experience is really just calling me an idiot."
I never said you were clueless. What i said was that you lack the credentials to claim the level of familiarity with the role of a parent that you're attempting to claim.
I just don't see how you can claim a certain type of knowledge, but can't elaborate on that knowledge or how you gained that knowledge. I also can't see why when someone questions you on that knowledge you immediately start pewling with victimhood. No one said you weren't intelligent, analog. I'm just curious as to how you can claim to understand what being a parent feels like on a fundamental level without actually being a parent. Apparently, even asking that question to you is so offensive that you can't even begin to acknowledge the subject of it's validity.
It would be like if i told everyone that i understood what it's like being a woman in saudi arabia, and proceeded to make implications about what it means to be a woman in saudi arabia. Keep in mind that i've never been a woman in saudi arabia, nor taken a middle eastern woman's studies class, but maybe you don't think that that's important. If i were you in this hypothetical situation, when somebody, say a saudi arabian woman, called me out on my seeming lack of credentials concerning my professed expertise on the qualia of saudi arabian womanhood i would immediately claim that they were calling me an idiot, that all saudi arabian women are condescening assholes, and then i would refuse to elaborate on how i arrived at my supposed expertise. That's essentially a good approximation of your behavior: play the victim and stonewall. Pardon me if you seem a tad bit intellectually dishonest.
Feel free to ignore this last point, though, and continue to pretend to be the victim of some vast breeder conspiracy.
Aw, thanks I'm glad you recognize the calm in my tone and the respect I maintained despite being essentially told I was an idiot because I'm childless. So, compliment appreciated!
I guess where i come from it seems a little childish to congratulate one's self on only moderately acting like an ass.