Originally Posted by cj2112
What Parenthood Has Taught Me
For those that don't know I am a full time single dad. I've been fortunate to have two of the most awesome children in the whole world and they have given me more than I can ever possibly give them.
First off I continually hear people say things about how difficult being a single parent is. I always want to tell them how full of shit they are. Yes, there are sacrifices I make so that I can try to provide a decent life for my kids, but doesn't every parent sacrifice some of their wants for their childrens needs? So the first thing my children have taught me is to be unselfish...the value of sacrifice.
Maybe I ought to back up a little bit and give ya'll some history. Kelsie, my daughter, is 12. She loves to dance, ride horses, and talk on the phone. When she was 5 she made the decision that she wants to be a dolphin trainer, and has never waivered once from that goal. CJ, my son, is 10. He is everything a 10 year old boy should be. He likes anything that is loud or goes fast, and if it does both at the same time then it very well may be the most awesome thing ever. He wants to be a rodeo cowboy.
The kids have not had any contact with their mother for better than 6 years now...it's been long enough that I've stopped keeping track. When she decided to leave, her words were, "I don't want to be a wife or mom anymore", the next she day she packed her things and left. It was 6 days after Kelsie's 4th birthday, and CJ was just 21 months old. She visited with the kids a couple times after that and then just dropped off the face of the earth. I live in the same place I lived the last time she saw the kids, I work in the same place, and up until two years ago my phone number was listed. I no longer have a land line, but her family does have my cell number.
So back to what my kids have taught me about life...
They have taught me about unconditional love. There is nothing that I wouldn't do to for those two, if it would help make them better people. No matter the cost to me physically, emotionally, or financially.
They have taught me to be who I am and not to be embarassed about it. That I can do silly things, and it doesn't matter what the world thinks. I take great pride in embarassing Kelsie with this ability.
They have taught me to be responsible. I have learned that with responsibility, comes much freedom.
They have taught me to tell the truth. They always take me at my word, so I always have to tell the truth.
They have taught me to never give up, that hard work yields the sweetest fruit.
They have taught me that even if do all these things, that the world can still kick me, and that I can still get back up and try again...They taught me to never give up.
They have taught me to strive to be the kind of man they think that I am, so that I can raise them to be the kind of people that I would like them to be.
Yes they taught me all these things and many more, so that I can hopefully teach them to be:
Proud of who they are
Thanks kids...I love you.