Our "revolutions" can be violent as evidenced by the civil war. I would add to that the union movement of the 30's. Marx's prediction of the uprising of the proletariat was correct, but failed to consider an eventual agreement between management and labor. Unions are now making their way into other countries, and they may become a force here again.
The majority of our "revolutions" have occurred due to public protest and the power of the ballot box. When the "robber barons" had won control of the government, there was a political "correction" such as the one under Teddy Roosevelt and later by FDR.
The latest "capitalist" overtaking of the government and economic policies will be a more difficult challenge under the "global" economic initiatives of the past two decades. As of today, we are no longer the preferred currency of exchange, and our debt is primarily held by China.
More than a year ago, Host referred to our currency as "script" and once again he has been proven prescient. We may very well become a third world nation under present economic conditions, and that may very well lead to a violent uprising against the government.
Folks, this is a broad sweep of history and heavy on opinion. I ask only that you give the "idea" of violent revolution some consideration.